What is it?

UTHM’s Virtual App is a bunch of applications that is prepared and delivered to the UTHM’s

Community. They can use desired application from their own PC and notebook trough campus


How to use it?

Type this url on your browser http://apps.uthm.edu.my  (Intranet UTHM) and follow the guide below.

Credential to Access

Staff credential
Username : email id
Password : new ic number (without space or -)

Student credential
Username : matrix number
Password : new IC/passport number (without space or -)


UTHM’s Virtual App Service Guide

Type http://apps.uthm.edu.my. For the first time access, you are prompted to install the UTHM’s
Virtual Apps plug-in (Citrix Receiver) in your device Windows OS, OSX, Android or IOS.

i. Tick “I agree with the Citrix license agreement”.

ii. Click “Install” to continue.

iii. Click “Run” button. Installation will proceed.

iv. Once installation is complete, click “Finish” button.

Click “Log on” to proceed.

Use your credential to log on.

Staff credential
Username : email id
Password : new ic number (without space or -)

Student credential
Username : matrix number
Password : new IC/passport number (without space or -)